What's new for 2024 - 2025?
2024 - 2025 Student Handbook
Schoology Class Pages
- 9th Grade (Freshman)
- 10th Grade (Sophomore)
- 11 Grade (Junior)
- 12 Grade (Senior)
Bullying and Safety Concerns:
SPRIGEO - An online platform designed to allow students, parents, and educators to report bullying, threats, or other safety concerns in a school environment. The tool aims to create a safer school atmosphere by enabling anonymous reporting of incidents, which can then be addressed by school administrators.
A student must attend each class a minimum number of days for each instructional period before he/she can receive consideration for credit. The following is an attendance schedule required for the various instructional periods:
Instructional Period | Unit Credit | Minimum Days of Attendance Required |
Term (Semester) | 1 | 85 |
Quarter | ½ | 42 |
This rule will not apply to cases of extended or chronic illness that are certified by a physician. The five (5) allowable absences, (three (3) in quarter courses), are for the purpose of attending to normal illness, emergencies, and other excusable absences.
Absences in excess of five (5) consecutive days, as mandated by State Department of Education regulations, will be accepted only in cases of verifiable extended illness. Notes from home and physician verifying all absences should be presented to the attendance clerk when the student returns to school. Attendance should be put into Power School the first five minutes of class. Loss of credit due to attendance may result in an FA.
Students will dress and groom in a clean and neat manner which does not distract or interfere with the operation of the school. Student attire should not be destructive to school property or be immodest or revealing and should comply with requirements for health and safety. Clothing that will cause or is likely to cause disruption of the learning process of others may not be worn.
The following are not to be worn by students:
- hats, bandannas, head rags, scarves, gloves, shower caps, hair combs, picks, curlers or hairnets and sweatbands, or any other unauthorized head covering
- sunglasses or goggles (inside building), except prescription sunglasses upon medical orders
- cut-off clothing unless it is cuffed or hemmed
- gang-related colors, jewelry or insignia
- gym shorts, fishnet shirts or blouses, tank tops, halters, cut or torn clothing, tube tops,
- t-strap tops, tops which show abdomen, midriff or inner arm pit areas, see-through garments or underwear worn as outer clothing (proper undergarments will be worn at all times)
- footies, pajamas, house shoes or bedroom slippers (students must wear appropriate footwear at all times; shoes will be worn for safety and health reasons; no person should be barefoot at school; shoes, sneakers, boots, etc., must be laced up and tied)
- lycra or spandex clothing, leggings, jeggings tights, or any excessively tight clothing (leggings may be worn under shorts or dresses provided that the shorts or dresses meet the length standards)
- any clothing or accessories with profanity or distasteful depictions; advertising for drugs, beer or tobacco companies; or “political statements” advocating violation of law any attire deemed by the administration to be unsuitable or disruptive to the educational or cultural climate of the school.
- Hats and gloves may be worn to school, but not inside the school building.
- Shorts, short skirts, skorts, dresses, etc., must be no shorter than three inches above the knee.
- Boxer shorts may not be worn as outside clothing. Biker shorts, spandex shorts, and Umbro shorts may not be worn.
- Jeans or pants with holes may be worn only when the holes are not deemed indecent.
- Clothing that is torn (including the “fashionably” torn garments) must not expose skin or underwear in areas ordinarily covered according to the dress code.
- No sagging pants, shorts, skirts, etc., are allowed. These items should be worn above the hip.
- Belts must be kept buckled. Suspenders or overall straps must be hooked and kept on the shoulders.
- All clothing must be sized appropriately. Clothing must be decent, clean and properly worn at all times
Any student found to be in violation of the dress code will be required to correct the situation immediately or report to the office to call someone to bring an appropriate change of clothes and/or receive disciplinary action. The student will not be allowed to remain among the general population if he/she is in violation of the dress code.
STUDENT IDs are Mandatory
For the safety of our students, faculty, and staff, ALL STUDENTS WILL BE REQUIRED TO WEAR THEIR IDs at all times during the 2024-2025 school year. Please familiarize yourself with the ID policy and procedures below.
The first ID Badge is free. Replacement ID badges must be purchased for a $10.00 fee. The temporary one-day stickers must be purchased for a $2.00 fee. Students must be responsible for their temporary IDs to keep them throughout the whole school day. Students may pay the fee in
cash on the day of receiving the ID or may have the cost added to their student accounts not to exceed three temporary IDs before disciplinary action is taken according to the district’s code of conduct.
Defaced ID badges will be confiscated, and the student must purchase a replacement. Students may not be allowed to participate in field trips or athletic events without student ID cards.
A strict policy concerning tardies will be enforced. Between classes there will be five minutes. Teachers will close their doors when the tardy bell sounds. Any student who has not arrived to the classroom at that time should be admitted to class and marked tardy.
- First tardy – Verbal Teacher warning with notation in ABE’s Classroom Action
- Second tardy – Parent notification by teacher notated in ABE
- Third tardy – Teacher will hold parent/guardian conference
- Fourth tardy and beyond – Discipline Referral NOTE: Tardies will start over every nine weeks
Senior dues pay for expenses of graduation practices, senior snacks provided during practice, senior awards on Class Day, and any other activities that the senior class might decide to do.
Junior dues pay for Prom, Ring Ceremony expenses, recognizing junior class members/officers, and any other activities in which the junior board/junior class might participate. Leftover funds move up with the class to help defray senior costs.
Sophomore and Freshman pay dues to help defray costs in later grades since funds are carried from grade to grade. Classes and boards may also choose to undertake projects specific to themselves, which may fund class dues.
*NOTE: In the event of the death of a classmate or a classmate’s parent, flowers may be sent to the family from that class using class funds.
Class Dues:
- Freshmen - $10.00
- Sophomore - $10.00
- Junior - $10.00
- Senior - $10.00
Cell phones and electronic devices will not be used or be visible during the school day. They must be secured in the bookbags. Until the new law comes in effect we will allow students to use their cellphones only during lunch time in the Cafeteria but never on the hallway or during a class, without the explicit, direct permission of the teacher.
When may electronic devices be used?
- Before stepping in the building
- During the assigned lunch period
- After leaving the school building
Where may electronic devices be used?
- Common Areas (cafeteria during lunch only)
- The Media Center is not considered a common area as it is an instructional area for students who use the library/media center with a class or are sent by teachers with classroom assignments.
- Students may use electronic devices in offices only with the permission of the staff member present.
- Electronic devices to include cell phone, smartwatches, and others may not be used during instructional time unless the teacher explicitly permits lesson enhancement, assessment, student organization, etc.
- Earphones, earbuds, and Bluetooth devices may be used during a student's scheduled lunch period. However, students are prohibited from having earphones or earbuds out in the hallway and classrooms. Ringtones must be placed on “silent.”
- Students must follow all school rules while operating electronic devices. Not being able to hear or see directives will never serve as an acceptable excuse for non-compliance.
- Students may not activate the device's video, camera, or sound recording function at any time unless they are acting under the express instructions of a teacher or administrator.
- If students use electronic devices to illegally enhance their own or another student’s academic performance, the student(s) involved will receive additional severe consequences for academic dishonesty.
- If students use communication devices to engage in illegal or unethical behavior such as bullying, cheating, harassing, threatening, or intimidation, the student(s) involved will receive severe consequences for such conduct.
Who is responsible if the device is lost or stolen?
The student must always secure their device and never leave it unattended. Students should guard against theft as they would in any public building or area. Students should always keep the devices in their personal possession or locked away. School personnel are not responsible for losing or damaging any cell phone or device on school property. Lakewood High School assumes no responsibility for any loss or theft of electronic devices.
Promotion RequirementsGrade 9 - Met all requirements of the Eighth Grade
Grade 10 - Completed six units to include:
- One unit in English
- One unit in mathematics
Grade 11 - Completed 12 units to include:
- Two units in English
- Two units in mathematics
Grade 12 Completed 18 units to include:
- Three units in of English
- Three units in mathematics
- Two units in science