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Welcome to the Special Education Department

At Lakewood High School, we believe that every student has the potential to thrive, regardless of their unique challenges. Our Special Education Department is dedicated to providing a supportive and inclusive environment where all learners can succeed.

We are committed to tailoring individualized programs that meet the diverse needs of our students. We prioritize collaboration with families, teachers, and the community.

Explore our resources, learn about our programs, and discover how we empower our students to achieve their personal and academic goals.

In Mrs. Robinson's class: students are working on jigsaw puzzles that are causing them to be persistent, collaborative, strategic planning, critical thinking, visual perception, and problem solving skills. It is a contest to see which block completes their puzzle first. The block that completes their puzzle first wins a pizza party. 

In Ms. Rogers' and Mrs. Macias' classes: students are learning life skills and vocational skills by helping the custodial staff wipe down tables in the cafeteria after lunches.