Course Catalog
Disclaimer: Subject to change. If any additions, deletions, changes are made in the catalog, the edit date will be added and provided to be reloaded.
The SSD Course Catalog explores the wide range of academic opportunities available at Lakewood High School. This catalog provides detailed information on the courses offered. You'll find course descriptions, prerequisites, credits, and other important information, ensuring that every step towards academic success is well-informed.
Early College
Virtual Academy
Lakewood High School facilitates a number of state-mandated tests to include ACT, End-of-Course, PSAT, SAT, SC-ALT, WIN (formerly WorkKeys). Additionally, optional tests such as the ASVAB and other career-specific tests as needed.
In the spring, The ACT® test and ACT WorkKeys test will be administered to 11th grade students during the regular school day at no cost to you. No registration is required by you or your student.
The ACT test dates are as follows:
- ACT - TBD Computer-based testing
The ACT test scores will provide you with information about your student’s progress toward college readiness and is widely used by colleges in making decisions about admission. Students who take The ACT according to ACT, Inc. requirements will be able to share their ACT scores with up to four colleges or universities for free. Please contact your student’s School Counselor is you have questions. The ACT test includes multiple-choice tests in English, Reading, Mathematics, and Science, as well as a Writing test, which is an essay.
ACT Test Prep is available for students in the following programs:
- Learning Express Library – Students can access through SCDiscus: College Admissions Test Preparation
- Learning Express Library - Students can access throught SCDiscus: Career Preparation
In the spring, The SAT test will be administered to 11th grade students during the regular school day at no cost to you. No registration is required by you or your student.
Free SAT Practice websites:
- CollegeBoard:
- Official SAT Practice:
- Learning Express: Information can be found here:
The SAT test date is as follows:
- SAT - TBD Computer-based testing
The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is a multiple-aptitude battery that measures developed abilities and helps predict future academic and occupational success in the military. It is administered annually to more than one million military applicants, high school, and post-secondary students.
The ASVAB is offered to high school and post-secondary students as part of the ASVAB Career Exploration Program.
2024-2025 ASVAB Test Dates:
- September 18-19, 2024 (Juniors only)
- December 06, 2024
- February 04, 2025
- April 09, 2025
The program provides tools to help students learn more about career exploration and planning, in both the civilian and military worlds of work. The ASVAB Career Exploration Program is free of charge to participating schools.
Taking the ASVAB empowers students to make informed career decisions. Here is how the CEP program works.
- Take the ASVAB: The ASVAB is an aptitude test that helps predict future academic and occupational success. It’s available to high schools at no cost. It is a graduation option in many states.
- Join a Post-Test Interpretation: This guided session includes an ASVAB score explanation, an interest inventory, and a chance to discover many ways to enter potentially satisfying career fields.
- Use the Career Planning Tools Together: Help your child make post-secondary plans that work for your family.
PSAT/NMSQT® – Free for South Carolina’s 10th graders
Test Date: October 22 - 24, 2024
In compliance with Proviso 1A.17, the South Carolina Department of Education (SCDE) will fund the administration of PSAT to districts for students in grade 10 will be given the opportunity to take a test predicting readiness for college/career and advanced coursework. This test is offered free of charge to all 10th graders enrolled in public schools.
Our school will offer the PSAT/NMSQT® TBD. This assessment is more than a test; it focuses on the knowledge and skills evidence shows matter most for college and career readiness. Even if your child has not yet decided to attend college, I urge you to make sure he or she participates, as it will open the door to many opportunities. By taking the PSAT/NMSQT®, your child will access focused practice which prepares him/her for the future.
Benefits include the following:
- customized skill based practice to increase readiness through Kahn Academy carefully crafted to improve and polish necessary academic skills;
- a personalized list of careers and potential college majors and the ability to learn about them;
- access to the College Board’s interactive college and career planning website;
- an online score report, including projected SAT® score ranges, state percentiles, and the ability to sort answer explanations by difficulty and question type;
- the opportunity to see which Advanced Placement classes the student has potential to do well; and
- a dedicated SAT® study plan created by the test’s authors, including a review of results, practice questions, essays scored, and the chance to take four complete SAT®’s.
Through the PSAT/NMSQT®‘s student search feature, colleges and funding entities can offer your child opportunities of which he/she might be unaware. New College Board partners have pledged over $180 million dollars of scholarships available only through taking the PSAT\NMSQT®. Additionally as a junior the PSAT is the entry point for the prestigious National Merit Qualifying Scholarships, your child’s participation as a sophomore will provide necessary practice to improve his/her performance when it counts. This is just one way the College Board is making your child’s path to excellence easier.
Your student’s Score Report for the PSAT/NMSQT® will arrive at school early this winter for distribution. Students will also be able to access their scores online through their College Board student account.
PSAT/NMSQT® emphasizes the skills that enhance careers, including problem solving in science, social science, and other real-world context. Additional information such as sample questions and study guides can be found online. Parents may sign up for a dedicated newsletter at
All Juniors (3rd year in high school) and identified Seniors based on last year’s data (4th year in high school) will have the opportunity to take the WIN Career Readiness Assessment on April 10, 2024. By earning a Level 3 or higher on the assessment, students will earn the Career Readiness component. Seniors will also take this assessment to improve their score or if they did not take it during their junior year.
Free WIN Career Readiness Assessment Practice:
- Students can log into Clever to access WIN practice questions and test prep. Login information was also emailed to all students (check email for WIN Access Information).
The WIN Career Readiness Assessment test dates are as follows:
- WIN Assessment (Seniors) Oct. 29 – 31, 2024 Computer-based testing
- WIN Assessment (Senior Retakes) October 29, 2024 Computer-based testing
- WIN Assessment (Juniors/Seniors) TBD Computer-based testing
The South Carolina Code of Laws, section 59-18-325, requires that all eleventh grade students take a Career Readiness Assessment. WIN Career Readiness Assessment is a job skills assessment. The statewide testing program includes four timed tests:
- Work Ready Math (40 items – 55 minutes)
- Work Ready Reading (38 items – 55 minutes)
- Work Ready Data (26 items – 55 minutes)
- Essential Soft Skills (22 two-part items and 17 multiple choice items – 60 minutes).
EOCEP Exams – State Required Assessment
End-Of-Course Exams
All students enrolled in English 2, Biology 1, Algebra 1 and U.S. History must take the End-of-Course Exam. If a student fails to attend any test session and do not take the assessment, they will be scheduled to take it in the following semester.
The best preparation for testing is the rigorous instruction that your child has received throughout the year in his/her classroom. We are also preparing our students for state testing by helping them to develop test-taking strategies and by familiarizing them with the format of the tests – two areas that can prevent students from demonstrating what they already know.
Important Reminders: EOCEP examination scores count 20 percent in the calculation of the student’s final grade in the courses.
Parent letter concerning EOC assessment:
2024 Fall/Winter EOC Parent Letter
Below is the schedule for the Fall/Winter 2024 EOCEP:
- December 03, 2024 – English 2 Written Response
- December 10, 2024 – Biology I
- December 11, 2024 – English 2
- December 12, 2024 – Algebra I & U. S. History and the Constitution
- December 18-19: EOCEP Makeups
Below is the schedule for the Spring 2025 EOCEP:
- May, 2024 - English 2 Written Response
- May , 2024 – Biology I
- May, 2024 – U. S. History and the Constitution
- May, 2024 – English 2
- May, 2024 – Algebra I
- May: EOCEP Makeups
Please speak to your child about the test experience. It is important that students approach the test with seriousness and confidence. We count on your support in the following ways:
- All students enrolled in English 2, Biology 1, Algebra 1 and U.S. History must take the EOCEP Exam for the course
- If a student misses the exam for any reason, the student will be scheduled to take the exam the next testing schedule.
- Students must NOT bring into the testing location any electronic devices.
- Medical appointments and other out-of-school functions should not be scheduled during testing hours. If your child arrives at school after testing has begun, he/she will be escorted to an assigned area in order not to disrupt the testing environment for the other students. He/she will then take the missed test during make-up testing times or during the next scheduled class.
- Please help alleviate any anxieties your child may have about the testing and encourage him/her to take the test seriously and to put in their best effort.
- Please ensure that your child eats a wholesome, nutritious breakfast each day.
- Please ensure that your child is well rested and ready to do his/her best work.
- Please make sure your child has a charged chromebook.
Test Prep for EOCEPs:
- Progress Learning – All students have accounts for Progress Learning. They can login into their school accounts through Clever.
- Math Nation – can be accessed through Clever.
- APEX Tutorials – can be accessed through Clever.
Electronic Use Policy
Students will need to bring their charged district-issued device (e.g., Chromebook) to school each day. Students are prohibited from using the testing device to create, store, or transmit by any means any documents or images related to the test. Additionally, the SCDE requires all other devices (such as cell phones or smart watches) to be collected prior to the test administration as students may not possess any electronics or other devices that can be used for communication, timing, creating images, or storing images in the test setting.
Per the SCDE, if a student has a prohibited electronic device accessible and is suspected of using the device for cheating/sharing of content or if there is evidence of cheating/sharing content, possible penalties may include the following: disciplinary action at the school and/or not receiving a test score/test invalidation. Additionally, the SCDE could pursue criminal investigation and possible criminal charges or civil or legal sanctions.
For more information about EOCEP, click here.
High School Final Exams
1st Semester Final Exams
High School Final Exams will be administered on December 18 -19, 2024.
Access for ELLs
ACCESS for ELLs (Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State-to-State for English Language Learners) is a secure large-scale English language proficiency assessment mandated by law to be administered to Kindergarten through 12th grade students identified as English language learners (ELLs). It is given annually in WIDA Consortium member states to monitor students’ progress in acquiring academic English.
The testing administration window is from TBD. Each school will be notified via email of a tentative testing schedule. Some students who did not receive “regular” ML services must be tested. This is the ML program’s high-stakes testing, and is in accordance with Federal law.
There are four portions that must be taken to complete the ACCESS exam: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The reading, writing, and listening portions may be administered in small groups and take approximately an hour each. The speaking portion must be administered one-on-one with the MLP teacher. It will take approximately 50 minutes to complete. However, this is not a timed test, and students may be testing longer than the suggested time.
There will be no regular MLP services until ACCESS testing is completed. Once testing is completed, the regular MLP schedule will resume.